
Direct impact on more than 2,500 students and indirect impact on more than 5,000 students.

For etu energias, investing in education is investing in better opportunities to improve the quality of life of people. As far as technical-vocational training is concerned, the importance of education goes far beyond the transfer of theoretical knowledge of the curricular subjects. It contributes to the proper training of students and promotes the acquisition of knowledge.

It is etu energias's goal to improve access to quality education and specific vocational training.

Therefore, on October 18, 2021, we launched the training program that resulted from the signing of the "Support for development, technical capacity and creativity" protocol between etu energias and the Soyo Polytechnic Institute.

        Investment in Education

      • "Support for development, technical capacity and creativity" protocol between etu energias and the Soyo Polytechnic Institute
        Essentially, the protocol aims to establish, between the two entities, the guidelines of cooperation, with a view to the provision of support by etu energias to the IPS for the training and certification of trainers and finalist students of the 2021 training cycle. In this first phase, 150 trainees benefited from the protocol, including 35 trainers, to ensure the sustainability of the project and the training of future generations. Training areas will include, among others, automobile mechanics, welding, piping, and electricity.
        • Pângala Primary School
        • Kimpanzi Neighborhood
          Rehabilitation of the Kimpanzi Neighborhood Chapel Literacy Annex, Combating Illiteracy / Contributing to National Education.

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